This article discusses the past, present, and future of brand research. We begin by reviewing three historical eras of branding development in the past: the information, attribute, and brand equity eras. Each era is marked by an emphasis on a particular concept of brands and a dominant research methodology during that period. We characterize the present of brand research as the branding era, in which brands have become part of the everyday vocabulary, and the concept of “branding” has been embraced by all types of organizations and people. Finally, we share our perspective on the future of brand research by discussing three major shifts in the brand landscape, mostly influenced by technological advancements such as IoT and their capacity to collect granular data at the individual level. We anticipate that new, exciting opportunities in brand research will continue to open up at the intersection of brands, technologies, and people.

David Reibstein and Robert L. Vigil, "Common (Mis)applications of Conjoint Analysis in Litigation," Handbook of marketing analytics: methods and applications in marketing management, public policy, and litigation support (forthcoming).
David Reibstein and Raghu Iyengar (2023), Metaverse--will it change the world or be a whole new world in and of itself?, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Review, 13, pp. 144-150.
Brian Gregg, Raghu Iyengar, Mukul Pandya, David Reibstein and Eli Stein, Resilient Marketing: What's Next in Growth, May 2023.
Koen Pauwels and David Reibstein (2023), The Modern Marketing Dashboard: Back to the Future, Marketing Intelligence Review (MIR), 15 (1), pp. 10-17.
Reto Hofstetter, Emanuel de Bellis, Leif Brandes, Melanie Clegg, Cait Lamberton, David Reibstein, Felicia Rohlfsen, Bernd Schmitt and Z. John Zhang (2022), Cypto-marketing: how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) challenge traditional marketing, Marketing Letters, 33, 705-711.
David Reibstein, Christopher Borek, Robert Vigil and Suneal Bedi (2022), Academia in Court: How Marketing Scholarship Informs The Law, July 28, 2022.
David Reibstein and Suneal Bedi, The Branding of a Country (forthcoming).
David Reibstein and Z. John Zhang, Editorial: Why the Economics of Media Will Not Heal a Divided America, November 13, 2021.
Ofer Mintz, Yakov Bart, Peter Lenk, David Reibstein, Hybrid BYO Conjoint with Boosting for Data Fusion: Estimating Context Effects for Marketing Dashboards, SSRN, September 2021.
Michael Haenlein, Mary Jo Bitner, Ajay K. Kohli, Katherine N. Lemon, David Reibstein (2021), Guest Editorial: Responsible Research in Marketing Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50, 8-12.
Suneal Bedi and David Reibstein (2021), Damaged Damages: Errors in Patent and False Advertising Litigation, Alabama Law Review, 73, pp. 385-436.
Winston Wei Dou, Yan Ji, David Reibstein, Wei Wu (2021), Inalienable Customer Capital, Corporate Liquidity, and Stock Returns, Journal of Finance, 1 (76).
Leonard L. Berry, David Reibstein, Frank Wijen, Luk Van Wassenhove, Chris Voss, Anders Gustafsson, Ann Vereecke, Ruth Bolton, Encouraging Business Scholars to Address Issues Facing Society, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), February 8, 2021.
Jerry (Yoram) Wind and David Reibstein, How Marketing Can Save Democracy. In Continuing to Broaden the Marketing Concept (Review of Marketing Research, Vol. 17), edited by, (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020), pp. 29-51.
Travis Tae Oh, Kevin Lane Keller, Scott A. Neslin, David Reibstein, Donald R. Lehmann (2020), The past, present, and future of brand research, Marketing Letters, 31:51-162.
David Reibstein and Suneal Bedi, Measuring Trademark Dilution by Tarnishment, Indiana Law Journal, Vol. 95(3),
(Summer 2020) Lead Article.
David Reibstein, Ofer Mintz, Yakov Bart and Peter Lenk (Under Review), Drowning in Metrics: How Managers Select and Trade-off Metrics for Making Marketing Budgetary Decisions.
David Reibstein and Jeffrey Cai, et al. (Under Review), As You Extend Vertically Should You Use Your Brand.
David Reibstein and Ofer Mintz, et al (Under Review), How Managers Make Trade-offs Between Metrics When Making Marketing Budgetary Decisions.
David Reibstein and Suneal Bedi (Under Review), Errors in Measuring Minor Attributes Using Modeling.
David Reibstein (2017), Die Marke Deutschland, Global Investor, January-March, No. 3, pp. 69-72.
David Reibstein (2016), Improving Economic Prosperity through Nation Branding, Mind Your Marketing, 2, pp. 100-106.
David Reibstein and Paul W. Farris, “Marketing's Search for a Common Language”. In Accountable Marketing: Linking Marketing Actions to Financial Performance, edited by David Stewart and Craig Gugel, (2016), pp. 45-51.
​David Reibstein, "Marketing in the Firm Society". In Legends in Marketing: George S. Day, Volume 7, Marketing In The Firm And Society, edited by David Reibstein, (2016).
David Reibstein, ed., Legends in Marketing: George S. Day, Volume 7, Marketing In The Firm And Society (2016).
Yogesh Joshi, David Reibstein, Z. John Zhang (2016), Turf Wars: Product Line Strategies in Competitive Markets, Marketing Science, 35 (1), pp. 128-141.
John Gerzema and David Reibstein, Best Countries: Defining Success and Leadership in The Twenty-First Century (2015).
Neil Bendle, Paul W. Farris, Phillip E. Pfeifer, David Reibstein, Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance (2015).
David Reibstein and Koen Pauwels, “Challenges in Measuring Return on Marketing Investment: Combining Research and Practice Perspectives”. In Sixth ANNUAL REVIEW OF MARKETING RESEARCH, edited by Ed Naresh Malhotra, (2015), pp. 107-124
Philip Kotler, David Reibstein, Frederick E. Webster, Jr., Legends in Marketing: Yoram (Jerry) Wind, Volume 8, The Future of Marketing (2015).
Paul W. Farris, Dominique Hanssens, James Lenskold, David Reibstein (2015), Marketing Return on Investment: Seeking Clarity for Concept and Measurement, Applied Marketing Analytics, 1 (3), 267 - 282.
David Reibstein (2015), Closing the Gap between Marketing and Finance: The Link to Driving Wise Marketing Investment, GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 7 (1), 22 - 27.
David Reibstein, "Marketing Strategy". In Legends in Marketing: Yoram (Jerry) Wind, Volume 4, Marketing Strategy, edited by George Day, Dominique Hanssens, Christine Moorman, (2014).
Paul W. Farris, Dominique Hanssens, James Lenskold, David Reibstein (2014), Marketing Return on Investment: Seeking Clarity for Concept and Measurement, Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper Series 2014, Report No. 14-108. (Earned the 2015 MSI Top Download Award)
Yogesh Joshi, David Reibstein, Z. John Zhang (2013), Turf Wars: Product Line Strategies in Markets with Preference Bases Segmentation, Marketing Science.
David Reibstein, James R. Gregory, Richard S. Levick (2012), Crisis Diagnostics: Assessing Brand Damage, Restoring Brand Equity, Marketing Management, 21 (1), 29 - 33.
David Reibstein, "Product Positioning". In Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, edited by B. Bayus, (2011).
David Reibstein, Sandy Jap (2010), Introduction to the Special Issue on B2B Research, Marketing Letters, 21 (3), 207 - 209.
Neil T. Bendle, Phillip E. Pfeifer, David Reibstein, Paul W. Farris, Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, 2nd ed. (2010).
Neil Bendle, Paul Farris, Phillip Pfeifer, David Reibstein (2010), Metrics that Matter - to Marketing Managers, Journal of Research and Managment, 6 (1), 18 - 23.
Koen Pauwels, Tim Ambler, Bruce H. Clark, Pat LaPointe, David Reibstein, Bernd Skiera, Berend Wierenga, Thorsten Wiesel (2009), Dashboards as a Service: Why, What, How and What Research is Needed?, Journal of Service Research, 12 (2), 175 - 189.
David Reibstein, "Innovation Metrics". In Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, edited by B. Bayus, (2009).
David Reibstein, George Day, Jerry (Yoram) Wind (2009), Is Marketing Academia Losing Its Way?, Journal of Marketing, 73, 1 - 3.
David Reibstein, Koen Pauwels, Marketing Management (2009).
Yogesh Joshi, David Reibstein, Z. John Zhang (2009), Optimal Entry Timing in Markets with Social Influence, Management Science, 55 (6), 926 - 939.
David Reibstein (2009), A Broader Perspective of Network Effect, Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (2), 154 - 156.
J. Andrew Petersen, Leigh McAlister, David Reibstein, Russell S. Winer, V. Kumar, Geoff Atkinson (2009), Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value, Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 95 - 111.
David Reibstein, Donald R. Lehmann, Marketing Metrics and Financial Performance (2006).
P. Farris, N. Bendle, P. Pfeifer, David Reibstein, Marketing Metrics: Fifty+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master (2006).
David Reibstein, D. Wittink (2005), Competitive Responsiveness, Marketing Science, 24 (1), 8 - 11.
M. Debruyne, David Reibstein (2005), Competitor See, Competitor Do: Incumbent Entry in New Market Niches, Marketing Science, 24 (1), 55 - 66.
David Reibstein (2005), House of Brands vs. Branded House, Economist, Global Agenda, 3, 175 - 177.
David Reibstein (2005), Learning by Doing, International Journal of Marketing Education, 1 (1), 115 - 130.
David Reibstein, R. Srivastava (2005), Metrics for Linking Marketing to Financial Performance, Marketing Science Institute Special Report, P. 85-109.
David Reibstein, P. Farris, P. Pfeifer, E. van Neirop (2005), Why Five is a Crowd in the Market Share Attraction Model, Journal of Research and Management, 1 (1), 41 - 56.
George Day, David Reibstein (2004), Managing Brands in Global Markets, The Alliance on Globalizing: Drivers, Consequences and Implications.
David Reibstein, George Day, "Managing Brands in Global Markets". In The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance on Globalizing: Strategies for Building Successful Global Businesses, edited by Hubert Gatignon, John R Kimberly, (2004), 184 - 206.
David Reibstein, Paul W. Farris, Yogeh V. Joshi, "Marketing Costs and Prices: An Expanded View". In Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy Project: Retrospect and Prospects, edited by Paul W. Farris, Michael J Moore, (2004), 124 - 152.
Leonard Lodish, David Reibstein, Rajeev Batra (2003), Use of 'Marketing Metrics' - A Different Point of View,
David Reibstein, Rajeev Batra, Measuring and Allocating Marcom Budgets: Seven Expert Points of View (2003).
Venkatesh Shankar, Tony Driscoll, David Reibstein (2003), Rational Exuberance: The Wireless Industry’s Killer, Strategy + Business, Issue 31, pp 68-77.
S. Reinecke, David Reibstein (2002), Performance Measurement in Marketing, Koshenrechmungspraxis, 46 (1), 18 - 25.
David Reibstein (2002), What Attracts Customers to Online Stores, and What Keeps Them Coming Back?, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30 (4), 465 - 473.
David Reibstein, Marshall L. Fisher, "Technology-Driven Demand: Implications for the Supply Chain". In Digital Marketing, edited by Jerry (Yoram) Wind, Vijay Mahajan, (2001), 285 - 309.
David Reibstein, "The Internet Buyer". In Digital Marketing, edited by Jerry (Yoram) Wind, Vijay Mahajan, (2001), 201 - 225.
S. Kiel, David Reibstein, D. Wittink (2001), The Impact of Business Objectives and the Time Horizon of Performance on Pricing Behavior, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15 (1-2), 67 - 81.
Jerry (Yoram) Wind, David Reibstein (2000), Reinventing Training for the Global information Age, Knowledge@Wharton.
David Reibstein, Mark Chussil (1999), Putting the Lesson Before the Test: Using Simulation to Analyze and Develop Competitive Strategies, Competitive Intelligence Review, 10 (1), 34 - 48.
Karl Ulrich, Taylor Randall, Marshall L. Fisher, David Reibstein, "Managing Product Variety: A Study of the Bicycle Industry". In Product Variety Management: Research Advances (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science), edited by Teck-Hua Ho, Christopher S Tang, (1998), 177 - 205.
David Reibstein (1998), Retail Power - Use or Abuse?, Antitrust Law Journal
Taylor Randall, Karl Ulrich, David Reibstein (1998), Brand Equity and Vertical Product Line Extent, Marketing Science, 17 (4), 356 - 379.
George Day, David Reibstein, Oliver Heil (1997), Signaling to Competitors, Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy.
David Reibstein, Paul W. Farris, "Manufacture Prices, Retail Prices, Relative Prices, Absolute Prices". In The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, edited by Edward Freeman, Patricia Werhane, (1997).
George Day, David Reibstein, Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy (1997).
David Reibstein, Mark Chussil (1997), Virtual Competition, Marketing Research.
George Day, David Reibstein (1996), Dynamic Competitive Strategies, Financial Times Guide to Management.
David Reibstein, Paul Farris (1995), Market Share and Distribution: A Generalization, a Speculation, and Some Implications, Marketing Science, 14 (3), 190 - 202.
David Reibstein, Paul Farris (1995), Do Marketing Expenditures to Gain Distribution Cost the Customer?, European Management Journal, 13 (1), 31 - 38.
Venkatram Ramaswamy, Hubert Gatignon, David Reibstein (1994), Competitive Marketing Behavior in Industrial Markets, Journal of Marketing, 58 (2), 45 - 55.
Scott Ward, Terence Oliva, David Reibstein (1994), Effectiveness of Brand-Related 15-Second Commercials, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 11 (2), 38 - 44.
Mark Chussil, David Reibstein, Strategy Analysis with ValueWar (1994).
Venkatram Ramaswamy, Wayne S. DeSarbo, David Reibstein, William T. Robinson (1993), An Empirical Pooling Approach For Estimating Marketing Mix Elasticities With PIMS Data, Marketing Science, 12 (1), 103 - 124.
Dick Wittink, Lakshman Krishnamurthi, David Reibstein (1990), The Effect of Differences in the Number of Attribute Levels on Conjoint Results, Marketing Letters, 1 (2), 113 - 123.
Dick Wittink, David Reibstein, William Boulding, John E. G. Bateson, John W. Walsh (1989), Conjoint Reliability Measures, Marketing Science, 8 (4), 371 - 374.
David Reibstein, John Bateson, William Boulding (1988), Conjoint Analysis Reliability: Empirical Findings, Marketing Science, 7 (3), 271 - 286.
John Bateson, David Reibstein, William Boulding, "Conjoint Analysis Reliability and Validity: A Framework for Future Research". In Review of Marketing, edited by M Houston, (1987), 451 - 477.
Rowland Moriarty, David Reibstein (1986), Benefit Segmentation in Industrial Markets, Journal of Business Research, 14 (6), 463 - 486.
Hubert Gatignon, David Reibstein (1986), Pooling Logit Models, Journal of Marketing Research, 23 (3), 281 - 285.
Leonard Lodish, David Reibstein (1986), New Goldmines and Minefields for Market Researchers, Harvard Business Review, 64 (1), 168 - 182.
John M. McCann, David Reibstein (1985), Forecasting the Impact of Socio-Economic and Demographic Change on Product Demand, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (4), 415 - 423.
David Reibstein, J. Scott Armstrong, "Evidence on the Value of Strategic Planning in Marketing or How Much Planning Should a Marketing Planner Plan?". In Strategic Marketing and Management, edited by Howard Thomas, David Gardner, (1985), 73 - 87.
David Reibstein, Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, and Decisions (1984).
Frank M. Bass, Moshe Givon, Manu Kalwani, David Reibstein, Gordon Wright (1984), An Investigation into the Order of the Brand Choice Process, Marketing Science, 3 (4), 267 - 287.
David Reibstein, Hubert Gatignon (1984), Optimal Product Line Pricing: The Influence of Elasticities and Cross-Elasticities, Journal of Marketing Research, 21 (3), 259 - 267.
Paul Farris, David Reibstein (1984), Overcontrol in Advertising Experiments, Journal of Advertising Research, 24 (3), 37 - 42.
F. Stewart DeBruiker, David Reibstein, Cases in Marketing Research (1983).
David Reibstein, Phyllis A. Traver (1982), Factors Affecting Coupon Redemption Rates, Journal of Marketing, 46 (4), 102 - 113.
Herbert Moskowitz, Doyle Weiss, Kah Kee Cheng, David Reibstein (1982), Robustness of Linear Models in Dynamic Multivariate Predictions, Omega, 10 (6), 647 - 661.
David Reibstein, John McCann, "Incorporating Marketing into Corporate Planning Models". In Simulation in Business Planning and Decision Making, edited by Thomas Naylor, (1981), 89 - 98.
Herbert Moskowitz, David Reibstein (1981), An Analysis of Interdependent Decisions, Omega, 9 (3), 267 - 279.
David Reibstein, Christopher H. Lovelock, Ricardo de P. Dobson (1980), The Directions of Causality Between Perception, Affect, and Behavior: An Application to Travel Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 6 (4), 370 - 376.
Paul Farris, David Reibstein (1979), How Prices, Ad Expenditures, and Profits Are Linked, Harvard Business Review.
David Reibstein, Joel Huber, "Attitude Measures and Brand Choice Frequence - Some Pitfalls To Be Avoided". In Attitude Research Plays for High Stakes, edited by John C. Maloney, Bernard W. Silverman, (1979), 148 - 164.
Ricardo Dobson, F. Dunbar, C. Smith, David Reibstein, Christopher Lovelock (1978), Structural Models for the Analysis of Traveler Attitude-Behavior Relationship, Transportation, 7 (4), 351 - 363.
David Reibstein (1978), The Prediction of Individual Probabilities of Brand Choice, Journal of Consumer Research, 5 (3), 163 - 168.
David Reibstein (1978), Market Research Corporation of America's Market Share Data, Antitrust Law Journal, 47 (3), 1041 - 1048.
Stuart Youngblood, Howard Fromkin, David Reibstein (1975), Number of Choices as a Factor in Consumer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60 (4), 434 - 437.